Why our Program

Start now with unlimited access to self-paced video lectures and assignments; take pre-selected number of courses, in any order, at any pace; and combine the courses you need to meet your business challenges.

Why Enroll

  • Discover new ways of thinking and acting so that you can solve your biggest business challenges
  • Learn to break free from the way things have always been done
  • Make real change to your organization and life
  • Take courses on finance, data analysis, design thinking, business planning, leadership, customer empathy, collaboration and more
  • Designed for anyone – in any field –who wants to drive growth

Who Recognized UCLITE Program

Who should enroll

Individuals and teams from any industry who want to:

  • Work smarter
  • Generate and execute breakthrough ideas
  • Unleash potential
  • Achieve better results

What’s unique about this program

  • University of California faculty and industry experts with deep experience driving innovation and disruption
  • Curriculum teaches innovation and entrepreneurship as conceived and practiced at UC Berkeley, Irvine, Davis, San Diego and in the Silicon Valley
  • Customizable learning – select courses that are most relevant to you
  • All classes are self-paced and a spot for on-campus Innovation Program at Berkeley will be earned upon completion